Appalachian State University’s Reich College of Education (RCOE) has been selected by the UNC System to serve as a Literacy Innovation Leader (LIL). The LIL initiative is designed to create synergy between higher education and K-12 schools to address the continuum of educator preparation and development with the common goal of improving students’ reading achievement.
“We appreciate our partnerships with P-12 schools and particularly this opportunity for our students to learn from these education leaders,” said RCOE Dean Dr. Melba Spooner.
The two-year process for the LIL program includes identifying 21 Literacy Leaders, who are in-service teachers, administrators, and curriculum leaders in Wilkes County Schools and at the Appalachian State University Academy at Middle Fork. Literacy Leaders will
- Engage in Literacy Workshops held four times per year;
- Serve on RCOE Program Advisory Teams, where they will help shape the future of teacher education; and
- Participate in a mentorship program with pre-service elementary or special education majors at App State.
“Our Literacy Leaders are serving as mentors to our teacher candidates while also helping to inform educator preparation programs around effective literacy instruction,” said RCOE Assistant Dean Dr. Hannah Reeder. “These in-service educators are model teachers, principals, and district administrators who are paving the way for stronger partnerships between the university and public schools.”
Dr. Rebecca Jordan, assistant professor in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education and LIL Coordinator, is “honored to work alongside the phenomenal teachers, instructional specialists, and administrators who are dedicated to furthering literacy achievement in North Carolina.”
“They are an outstanding set of individuals who are deeply knowledgeable and invested in supporting both the students of North Carolina and future teachers through conversational mentoring, shared learning experiences, and opening their classroom doors to provide pre-service teachers authentic opportunities to gain experience working with elementary students and their families,” she added.
Courtney Bauguess
Courtney Bauguess is a first and second grade teacher at Ronda Clingman Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.A. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 2008
- M.A. in reading education from East Carolina University, 2014
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State because of the amazing teacher education program they offer.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to expand my understanding and knowledge of literacy, help transform the future of literacy and teaching, and become a leader of literacy in my school, district, and state.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“I believe that all students can learn and thrive in the right environment and with the right ingredients. I believe that all students need an advocate who will dedicate themselves to giving that student all of the ingredients needed for them to be successful and creating a beautiful recipe with each student that comes out perfectly each and every time!”
Kimberly Britt
Kimberly Britt is a kindergarten teacher at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.S. in birth to kindergarten, Winston Salem State University, 2003
- M.A. in reading education, Appalachian State University, 2021
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State for my masters in reading because I was intrigued by Dr. Morrison's reading program, and I wanted to learn how to apply it in my classroom.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I am excited to work with an undergraduate student in this program. I am also excited how I can apply this into my classroom to inspire and build my student's knowledge in reading and writing.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“My favorite books are The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“I strive to create an atmosphere of trust in my classroom. I constantly remind my students that we are ALL here to learn, and that making mistakes is good because it helps you figure things out on your own. I particularly love the beginning and end of each year, seeing the growth my kids have made. It’s so rewarding.”
Tracy Call
Tracy Call is a kindergarten teacher at Mount Pleasant Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 2002
- M.A. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 2007
- Master of Library Science from Appalachian State University, 2011
- Graduate certificate in Instructional Technology from Appalachian State University, 2017
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State for its location and programs of study.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to gain a more in-depth understanding of new ways to help my students with literacy concepts. I hope that I can provide a sense of leadership to the literacy scholar that I am mentoring and help to lead her in the right direction when she becomes a teacher.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“All students can learn and want to learn. It is my job to meet them where they are and move them forward for a successful future.”
Lorrie Gouge
Lorrie Gouge is a second and third grade teacher at CB Eller Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- A.A. from Wilkes Community College
- B.A. in elementary education from Lees-McRae College, 2009
- M.A. in elementary education from Gardner-Webb University, 2013
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to be a part of preparing future teachers and leaders in the education field.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“E.B. White.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“All students are capable of learning when given the right environment and a patient teacher.”
Callie Grubb
Callie Grubb is the Director of Pre-K and Elementary Education for Wilkes County Schools.
- B.S. in public health, policy, and administration from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000
- Certificate in core public health concepts from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006
- Business Education Licensure from Appalachian State University, 2007
- Master of School Administration from Appalachian State University, 2010
Why Appalachian?
“As a native of the high country and a current resident, Appalachian State is a public university that is not only accessible to me but one of the top-rated institutions in education in the nation.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I want to continue my growth as a life-long learner and provide pre-service teachers an opportunity to hear and ask questions about my experiences as an educator.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“My objective is to build relationships with students and teachers that encourage all learners to accomplish any goal.”
Emily Huffman
Emily Huffman is a K-5 exceptional children resource teacher at CC Wright Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in special education from Appalachian State University, 2014
Why Appalachian?
“I loved the big campus feel with the small class size.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to help the special education teachers who are going to be starting their career feel more ready to be in the real classroom. It is such a hard transition from being in school to having your first classroom.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“My favorite book of all time is Where the Red Fern Grows. I can remember being in elementary school and my teacher reading it to us. I loved the images it brought into my head.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“Every student is capable of learning, and they all deserve to be met with patience, firmness, and love.”
Heather Johnson
Heather Johnson is a kindergarten and first grade teacher at CB Eller Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 1998
- M.Ed. from Gardner-Webb University, 2001
Why Appalachian?
“I was always interested in teaching and knew that App State was a good school for that. It is also close by to my hometown, and that was important so that I could still see friends and family often.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I wanted to further my knowledge on literacy for young students and be able to help them succeed as readers and writers.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“Laura Ingalls Wilder’s The Little House Series”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“I want each child to be happy, safe, and successful. I try my best to meet kids where they are and make progress in our learning each day.”
Christy Jolly
Christy Jolly is an instructional specialist at CB Eller Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 1992
- M.A. in reading education from Appalachian State University, 1998
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State for its great reputation as a teacher's college. I had such a great experience as an undergraduate that I chose to get my master’s degree from App State as well.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to be able to help and inspire future teachers at App State. I enjoy mentoring teachers who are just beginning in the teaching field. I had many great mentors when I began teaching and realize the importance of a great mentor.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“I really enjoy sharing books by the author Patricia Polacco. The book Thank You, Mr. Falker is definitely one of my favorites.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“I believe in the importance of teacher-student relationships. I feel it is important to establish a good relationship with students before you can really teach them. Students need to know that they are cared for and that you want the very best for them. Also, that you are willing to put in the hard work it takes to build this relationship. There is so much content to be taught but a positive teacher-student relationship must be built first.”
Savannah Kilby
Savannah Kilby is a first grade teacher at Mount Pleasant Elementary School in Wilkes County.
B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 2015
Why Appalachian?
“I chose to attend App State for my elementary education degree because I knew I would leave as prepared as possible to change the world for my future students. App State has a long-standing reputation for being one of the best teacher colleges in the nation, and I am so thankful that my own personal experience can attest to that. Plus the beautiful scenery in the fall was a huge bonus!”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“As part of the Literacy Leaders program, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the science of reading and how it affects students across multiple grade levels and ages. I hope I can learn from other Literacy Leaders as well as my Literacy Scholar about their own experiences and understandings of how different children learn to read.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“My favorite book is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
"The best opportunity you can give them is the best education you can give them."
Rebecca Kilpatrick
Rebecca Kilpatrick is a fifth grade teacher at Ronda-Clingman Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.A. in elementary education from Elon University, 2002
- Masters of School Administration from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I want to foster the love of learning, teaching, and reading with pre-service teachers at Appalachian. Teaching can be such a rewarding career, and I hope to help beginning teachers as they enter this field. I also want to strengthen my own teaching methods in the subject of reading to ensure that my students are successful each year. We should never stop learning or growing in the field of education.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“How can I pick just one?!? One of my favorite chapter books to read aloud to students is Poppy by Avi. I love the suspense that can be portrayed by the reader to the class. Plus there are so many teaching opportunities in the book with vocabulary and other reading concepts.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“My teachosophy would be incorporating differentiation with love, fun, and high expectations. First, students need to have a relationship with you and know that you care. Second, they need to see how learning is fun and how we as adults continue to learn as well. High expectations are set to let students know you believe that they can excel and they can grow. When you have these high expectations combined with love and fun, the students want to achieve those higher expectations. Last, would be to differentiate the learning to meet the varied needs of our students in a constantly changing world. All of this combined helps students to be successful, not only this year in my class, but for their future as well.”
Alicia Kinzer
Alicia Kinzer is a first grade teacher at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.A. in elementary education from Winston-Salem State University, 2011
- M.A. in reading education from Appalachian State University, currently enrolled
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“Being a part of the Literacy Leaders program I hope to gain knowledge and skills on how to become a better teacher in reading education. I want to dive into every aspect of a book. During reading instruction I want my students to learn more about authors who write books that we're reading, why we're reading specific text, and what they can do with the information they have gained from reading in their everyday lives.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“Ish by Peter Reynolds.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“You got to do what you have to do before you do what you want to do.”
Brent Macrow
Brent Macrow is a second grade teacher at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.S. in elementary education from D'Youville College, 2002
- M.A. in reading education from Appalachian State University, 2021
Why Appalachian?
“App State has a well-known education program, and the professors are amazing.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I joined the Literacy Leaders program because I wanted to be a part of a group of highly educated people who have the common goal of improving literacy education.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“The Harry Potter series.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“My job is to create the most positive and comfortable space for children to learn and grow as students and human beings.”
Hannah Peacock
Hannah Peacock is an instructional specialist at Moravian Falls Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 2005
- M.A. in curriculum specialist from Appalachian State University, 2012
Why Appalachian?
“I chose Appalachian for the degree I was seeking - elementary education. I wanted the best. To get the best, I decided to go on top of the mountain.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“My hope in being a part of the Literacy Leaders program is to encourage future teachers, expand my network with educators and the App State programs, along with gaining knowledge to further support the teachers and students who I work with daily.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“It is near impossible to choose one. I love reading aloud Carl Hiaasen’s books. Many students went on to love his books as well.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“‘Beg, steal and borrow!’ I beg for resources from grants, foundations, school funds, community organizations, and parents. I beg for ideas from my colleagues and professional organizations I belong to. I steal ideas from those that have been successful and have gone before me. I borrow materials from colleagues, libraries, and other community resources.”
Christine Polk
Christine Polk is an instructional specialist at CC Wright Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in business administration from Bridgewater College, 1991
- B.S. in food science and nutrition from Bridgewater College, 1991
- M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction from the University of Florida, 2012
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“In addition to learning more about the science of reading, I am looking forward to collaborating with colleagues as well as having the opportunity to influence and mentor the next generation of educators.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“Sharon Draper’s Out of My Mind is a great story and has launched many students into the realm of reading because they ‘don't want to put the book down, but see how the story ends.’"
What is your "teachosophy"?
“Relationship first. They must know you care before they care what you know. High expectations along with helping students develop the strategies and critical thinking skills for achieving those expectations.”
Suzanne Smith
Suzanne Smith is the Interim Director of Curriculum and Instruction at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.S. in elementary education, Piedmont International University, 2015
- B.A. in elementary education, High Point University, 2015
- M.A. in teaching and learning, Liberty University, 2018
- M.A. in reading education, Appalachian State University, 2021
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State to receive my master’s degree in reading education because I desired to grow in my literacy instructional practices in the classroom. Through the collaborative relationship between App State and the Academy at Middle Fork, I knew that App State focused on providing educators with authentic learning experiences that would help me provide targeted learning experiences for students in the classroom.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“In being part of the Literacy Leaders Program, I hope to gain more knowledge around developing and implementing more authentic learning experiences regarding literacy practices in the classroom. Through this opportunity, I hope to enhance my leadership qualities in helping teacher leaders to grow in their literacy practices.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“My favorite book is Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“Every student who walks into the school building deserves a learning environment that focuses on community and supporting the whole child through being supportive, safe, nurturing, authentic, welcoming, collaborative, flexible, and positive.”
Amie Snow
Amie Snow is the Interim Principal at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.A. in elementary education from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002
- M.A. in reading education from Appalachian State University, 2006
- Ed.D. in educational leadership fromAppalachian State University, 2014
- MPA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, currently enrolled
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App because, from the very first reading class I took, I knew that the professors focused on the needs of teachers and students. They had a deep commitment to ensuring that every child learned to read and that every teacher had the skills, knowledge, and confidence to teach reading well. I also knew very quickly that the professors in the reading department saw literacy as a process of development where people learn to engage with the text in ways that build compassion, empathy, and engagement with one another. There is no other place I would have rather completed my master and doctoral work than App State.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to have the opportunity to do what I love - talking about reading and writing with other teachers and soon-to-be teachers. I love to spend time talking with other teachers about how they engage students in books and how they develop a community where children strive to be readers and writers. It makes my heart very happy.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“I have way too many to list - Anne of Green Gables, Charlotte's Web, Harry Potter. I love Derick Barnes and Raul the Third right now because our kids love them too.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“I believe that teaching must begin with relationships - every child comes to school wanting to learn. Teachers and schools are tasked with building relationships that allow us to see what a child needs and provide the support needed to meet that need. I believe in developing the whole child so that our mini-Mountaineers leave us as confident scholars and amazing people.”
Teresa Stone
Teresa Stone is an instructional specialist at Ronda-Clingman Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- A.A. from Wilkes Community College, 2004
- B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State, 2011
- M.A. in special education from East Carolina University, 2014
- School Administration Add-On Licensure from Appalachian State University, 2020
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State because of its reputation for quality teacher preparation.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to gain skills that will help me be a better teacher leader and mentor, as well as share my knowledge with others to help make literacy instruction better for all students in our region.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“I enjoy reading Jon Gordon's books about positivity and leadership.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
At the core of my educational philosophy is the belief that all students can learn, regardless of ability or background. I was a special educator for years before becoming an instructional specialist. As a special educator, I learned quickly that not all of my students were going to meet proficiency goals, but they all could and should make progress. As an instructional specialist, I to be a partner with teachers, facilitating reflective practice, and guiding teachers to strive to be better each day than they were the day before for the benefit of all students.
Julie West
Julie West is a third grade teacher at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.A. in elementary education with a concentration in advocacy, Salem College, 2013
- M.A. in reading education, Appalachian State University, 2020
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State because I saw other educators utilizing strategies they learned in the reading education graduate program in the classroom. I knew I wanted to be able to support my students in the best way possible with literacy and seeing their success motivated me to join App State.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to gain growth in my understanding of literacy while making connections with preservice and in-service teachers.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“My favorite book is Verdi by Janell Cannon.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“In order to best support our students in their growth as learners, we need to make meaningful connections with them, foster positive learning communities, and meet them where they are when they enter our classrooms each day. Physical, social, and emotional needs are just as important as their educational needs. In order for students to learn in our classrooms, we must create a safe place to be themselves, be creative, make mistakes, explore, and grow as learners.”
Heather Wham
Heather Wham is a third grade teacher at the Academy at Middle Fork.
- B.S. in elementary education, Wingate University, 2009
- M.A. in reading education, Appalachian State, 2012
Why Appalachian?
“I knew App State was a strong teaching school. I did not know as much about foundational reading skills as I felt I needed as a teacher. I knew App State would help me reach my lower-level readers and challenge my higher readers.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to learn more about teaching reading and the reading process. I hope to inspire, support, and encourage beginning teachers to be strong reading teachers.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“Kate DiCamillo - Because of Winn Dixie and Tiger Rising. My favorite adult author is Elin Hilderbrand.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“I believe that all students should be instructed exactly where they are. I believe we should look at growth and not proficiency. Students should feel successful and should be taught in engaging ways using best practices. Teachers should always be learning and finding new ways to meet instructional, social, behavioral, emotional, and academic needs.”
Kristen Wiles
Kristen Wiles is a first grade teacher at Mountain View Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in elementary education from Appalachian State University, 2018
- M.A. in reading education from Appalachian State University, 2021
Why Appalachian?
“App State was always my first choice! It’s an amazing school and it was close to home. I love the mountains of Boone and hiking, so App State was perfect!”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“I hope to continue to grow my skills and knowledge as a reading educator while also aiding future teachers and colleagues in their literary knowledge as well!”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“My favorite book is The Catcher in the Rye. My favorite children’s book is I Need My Monster (and the other books in the Monster series)!”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“Remember, these kids in your classroom are just that - KIDS. Let them play; give them lots of love; teach them to be respectful and kind; and help them learn a little something along the way.”
Heather Williams
Heather Williams is a kindergarten teacher at Mount Pleasant Elementary School in Wilkes County.
- B.S. in elementary education, Appalachian State University, 1999
- M.A. in elementary education, Appalachian State University, 2007
Why Appalachian?
“I chose App State because of their top-notch teacher education program.”
What do you hope to gain by being part of the Literacy Leaders program?
“New and innovative ideas from new teachers, as well as a network of teachers who help and support each other through LETRS and beyond.”
What is your favorite book (or series) and/or author?
“No, David! by David Shannon. It just shows that no matter how much we mess up, we are still loved and learn from our experiences.”
What is your "teachosophy"?
“Every student needs to know they are loved and cared for before they can learn. After that, they need to be loved and cared for as they learn. We are all learners. We can learn as much from our students as they can learn from us.”