Graduating Student Shoutout: Stephanie Martinez

Stephanie Martinez

Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education

Tell us about your collegiate activities, your clubs and organizations, or your favorite memories.

Distance Ed cohort was my favorite part! We became a family!

Share the names of your favorite professors or other mentors you'd like to thank (and why).

Dr. Gross always encouraged me and believed in me! There were times where I wanted to give up but she always had an encouraging word for me. She always knew what to say for me to keep going. She has been should a huge advocate for me! Dr. Poling always encouraged me and helped me in everything she could! I knew she cared about each and every one of us in the cohort.

In a nutshell, what has App State meant to you?

App State is App State because of who makes it. When I say who makes it I mean the people who are part of App State. I can say that the professors are the best professors EVER! Without them, I wouldn’t have made it this far. As a wife and a mom of two boys, I needed all the encouragement and support and that’s what App State did for me!

Stephanie Martinez
Published: Dec 6, 2021 4:54pm
