The Reich College of Education (RCOE) Office of the Dean will continue its new initiative of Lunch & Learn. The intent of this program is to increase communication with faculty and staff across all teacher education programs. Each Lunch & Learn will feature a different topic or focus.
“It's pretty simple -- you bring your lunch and come learn about what's happening in teacher education,” said Director of Clinical Education, Dr. Hannah Reeder.
Reeder is assisting with the planning and implementation of the series.
Mark your calendars for the Spring 2020 Teacher Education Lunch & Learn series:
- Thursday, January 23rd
- Monday, February 17th
- Tuesday, March 24th - CANCELLED
- Wednesday, April 8th
- Tuesday, May 5th
All Lunch & Learns will be held at 12:00 p.m. in RCOE room 124 A.
Any teacher education faculty and staff are welcomed and encouraged to attend.
If you would like to propose a topic, please contact Dr. Hannah Reeder,
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