Happy Tuesday! Today's tip is all about your Professional Development. Whether you are a first-year student, a senior, or even a first-year-teacher, it is essential to continue to build upon your professional development and training. By seeking out new professional development opportunities, you are able to expand your professional network. Professional development is the way to gain additional insight about instructional strategies and best practices to best support the diversity of students you will serve in your teaching career. Here are steps for taking your professional growth and development into your own hands:
Make sure you are a part of RCOE portal on AppSync. This platform is also a great way to stay informed about upcoming professional development events that are happening on campus. These different types of events include university-level events, Reich College of Education level events, and even secondary education level events. Also, as you begin attending PD sessions, AppSync will keep track of all of the professional development sessions that you attend in your “Cocurricular Transcript”. When you are in your senior year, and you begin to build your resume you can print off a Co-curricular Transcript of all of your PD's. This feature makes it easy to add PD's to your resume, which your potential employers will see when you apply for a job.
See a professional development opportunity that you want to attend, but it's not offered through the university? Good news is that you can still earn credit for off-campus PD! By going onto the RCOE portal, there are several events for your self-selected off-campus professional development. All you have to do is, first, find an Off-Campus Professional Development for the week you completed your professional development. Next, you will RSVP to this event, and select "I will be attending the event." Then you will have to choose the type of professional development (e.g., professional conference, workshop/seminar, or other) that you will be attending that week. Once you have RSVP to the event, then the RCOE will review the RSVPs, and they will count you as attended. At that point, you can go into your event history and add the details of your professional development in the reflection section. By submitting your off-campus PD's through App Sync, they will also be added to your final co-curricular transcript with the rest of your professional development events.
After you have attended your PD event, you must complete a professional development l reflection. This reflection is a 3-2-1 Professional Development Exit Ticket, which you will submit to the Reich College of Education Appsync page for every event you attend. For more information about what needs to be included in your reflection/exit ticket, please see the link above.
Overall, your professional growth and development is in your hands! Use Appsync weekly to find related events to improve your growth and development as a new teacher! If you have any questions about professional development requirements, contact Dr. Alicia Muhammad by email at muhammada@appstate.edu.