Karen Walker ’94, ’98 has been named North Carolina New Teacher Support Coach for Appalachian State University’s Reich College of Education (RCOE). Her appointment began in March 2020.
Walker works with beginning teachers, collaborating, creating and delivering professional development. She serves over 20 teachers in Ashe, Forsyth, Surry, Watauga and Yadkin counties.
When asked why Appalachian, Walker exclaimed, “There is not a better place to call home!”
Begun in 2018, the goal of the North Carolina New Teacher Support Program (NCNTSP) is to improve student achievement by improving beginning teacher effectiveness and teacher retention.
When asked about what she was most excited about in her new role, Walker said: “working with beginning teachers and making new friends.”
Walker earned both a B.S. and M.S. in mathematics education from Appalachian. In addition, she is a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBCT) certified teacher in mathematics.
Prior to this role, Walker was an instructional coach for Brunswick County School, a classroom teacher for five Brunswick county schools, establishing the math departments at three of those schools and a trainer for the North Carolina School Health Training Center.
When asked why Appalachian, Walker exclaimed, “There is not a better place to call home!”