Dr. Leslie Bradbury, an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Appalachian State University's Reich College of Education (RCOE), has been awarded an Appalachian State University Campus Teaching Excellence Award.
Bradbury joined the Appalachian faculty in 2005. Her background is in science education and she teaches science methods courses at the undergraduate and graduate level as well as the internship course during Block two. Her research interests focus on integrating language arts and science and multimodal science teaching.
- Bradbury believes that is important to make personal and caring connections with students.
- She aims to make her teaching relevant for preservice elementary teachers by modeling the type of experience-based science instruction that she wants them to implement with students in their own classrooms.
- To stay current, she spends time working with local elementary teachers and implementing science lessons with elementary students so that she can use the experience to inform her teaching practice at the university level.
In addition to the campus teaching excellence award, Bradbury was the winner of the 2016 RCOE Outstanding Teaching Award. She, along with her science education colleagues, was also awarded the RCOE Community of Practice Award in 2013.
About the Appalachian State University Campus Teaching Excellence Awards
Campus teaching excellence awards are in addition to the system-wide awards, and winners at each UNC campus are determined by a selection committee. Awards of $1,000 awards are presented to faculty members who teach at the baccalaureate lower division, and who receive the most votes from the committee.
The granting of the awards is an annual process that stems from a 1993 decision by the University of North Carolina Board of Governors and the General Administration of the University of North Carolina system calling for a review of mission statements, tenure policies and criteria for making personnel decisions at its campus institutions. The review asked that each institution recognize "teaching as a core function" on each campus.
Awards are granted each year by a selection committee.
For more information on the awards, visit http://teachingawards.appstate.edu/bog-excellence-teaching-awards.