The Education Peer Ambassador Program is a unique leadership opportunity for students of undergraduate teacher education programs at Appalachian State University. In their role, they support fellow students by working at the front desk in the James Center for Student Success and Advising as well as serving as hosts to prospective students and guests of the Reich College of Education. They assist at all of our recruitment events and provide building tours to prospective students, donors, and faculty candidates.
This fall there are 18 Education Peer Ambassadors. Each ambassador brings their own perspective as a student to the program. The James Center looks for a variety of education majors to provide a well-rounded group of ambassadors. Meet all of the ambassadors and learn why they chose to come to Appalachian, what or who inspired them to become an educator, and why they wanted to be an ambassador for the Reich College of Education.
Fall Open House is Saturday, October 7 on the Boone campus and Saturday, October 21 on the Hickory campus. Learn more about scheduling a tour.
Questions? Please contact Lindsay Cotten for more information.
Meet the Education Peer Ambassadors
Meet Grace Abbott, Child Development Birth through Kindergarten
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My third and fourth grade teachers.
Why App State?
I have always loved the mountains, and when I learned more about the amazing community and culture of App State, I knew I had to be a part of it.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
As a B-K major I really wanted to be able to represent the amazing program that I have the opportunity to be a part of.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
One of the most important things as an education major is to create relationships with your professors. They are wonderful resources to help guide you through your four years. They are also an amazing resource for after graduation when searching for jobs.
Meet Kevin Adkins, Health and Physical Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
Two teachers: Dr. Ousley and Coach Price had energy unmatched by any other teacher I've had. It inspired me that I can also change the norm of teaching curriculum and bring personality and connections to the classroom. I also like to talk and be physically active.
Why App State?
App State is known as a great teacher's school. It's affordable compared to other universities and has a great community. The mountains are beautiful, and you can plan activities year-round with hikes, camping, and snowboarding.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I want to use my experiences to grow those around me and teach them. I'm still learning and want to improve my leadership skills. This was an excellent opportunity to accomplish both and give back to App State and RCOE.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Going home is okay if you get homesick but don't go home every weekend. There are so many clubs to get involved with! Sign up for six or seven, then find two or three you want to stick with without spreading yourself thin from school work, clubs, and free time.
Meet Journey Barnes, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I've always wanted to be a teacher but I especially knew teaching was my calling when I was in the third grade. My teacher had just graduated college so we were her first class. She put her heart and soul into teaching, always creating engaging lesson plans and teaching us how to be good people, not just students. After that year, I knew I wanted to be like her.
Why App State?
Appalachian and education seem to go hand and hand. Whenever I would tell people that I wanted to go into education, their first question would be if I was going to App State. After coming to visit the school and seeing all the amazing resources they have here I knew this is where I belonged!
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become more involved in the Reich College of Education! The James Center is such an incredible resource for education majors and I wanted to be a part of it.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Don't let anyone talk you out of it! If you have the heart for teaching and it's something that you're passionate about then don't be afraid to pursue it. It's such a fun major and we need good teachers.
Meet Kiersten Caliguire, Theatre Arts Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My grandfather and my mother were both teachers, and I have seen the impact they have made on students' lives over the years, and I want to do the same.
Why App State?
App State has one of the best Education programs in the state and it feels like a second home.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an EPA to build more skills and be able to help incoming and current students.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Don’t pretend to be someone else or worry you’re falling behind. Learn to love who are and who you are becoming.
Meet Kayden Cox, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I come from a teaching family and I am so passionate about children that it really was a no-brainer! I can’t imagine doing anything else.
Why App State?
I love the mountains, the small-town feel, and the education program.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I love the James Center as a resource, and I wanted to be a part of that community to help other potential teachers.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Put yourself out there! Make your mark on AppState, join the Appalachian Educators Club, and find your people. Keep a positive mindset and you will go far!
Meet Zoe Fite, Special Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I wanted to become a teacher to inspire children the way they inspire me. No matter how young or old, I believe all students have the ability to succeed. I want to be a teacher who inspires, motivates, and pushes students to reach their goals.
Why App State?
App State started off as a teaching college, so it was a no-brainer. I knew that my time at App would be filled with meaningful courses and professors who wanted me to succeed. Also, it is not too far from home, so it is perfect for me to go home for a weekend or for my parents to come up for the day.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to be an Education Peer Ambassador because it is a great way to promote App State’s RCOE to prospective students and give them insight into the amazing experiences we have to offer.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Do not be afraid to talk to strangers. I met one of my best friends on the first day of my sophomore year by starting a small conversation in class. Everyone is feeling out about the new world and experiences that college has to offer, so just take the leap and talk to everyone.
Meet Smith Hendricks, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My mom is my biggest role model and she is an amazing teacher. I grew up witnessing the impact she made on all of her students and how she supported and cared for each and every one of them. I aspire to do the same by spreading love and support to all my students when I am in the field.
Why App State?
The mountains and beauty brought me to Appalachian State University. However, what I got out of my choice is so much more. The teaching program here is exceptional and will lead me to success in my dream job. I have also met so many people who inspire me here. I have found more here than beauty, I have found a home.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an Education Peer Ambassador because I care so much about education and this University. I want to be able to support other students who are in the Education program so they can be best prepared to succeed in this wonderfully rewarding field of work.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
For first-year students and transfer students studying education, I suggest getting in touch with their advisor first and then just meeting as many people in their major as they can. Whether this is in their classes, through some of the education clubs (AppEd), or through the James Center, it is important to meet others in the field. Having a support system in one's major can ensure that one will be prepared to succeed and can be a great resource for questions, help, and even a friend.
Meet Scottie Huger, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My sports medicine teacher encouraged me to be a teacher! He helped me decide and go through the hard process of figuring out what I wanted to do after high school, and he allowed me to help teach some of the classes to younger students, which really helped open my mind to the opportunities of teaching.
Why App State?
I am a transfer student, and I have been to a four-year school in Florida, a community college, and finally Appalachian State University. The biggest draw was the quality of the education program here. It is one of the best in the state, and on top of the quality of the curriculum, there are so many ways to get involved with the community and pursue your own passions outside of the classroom. Appalachian State also has one of the best support systems that I have seen throughout the different places I have been, and they are very willing to work with students to help raise them to their highest potential.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an Education Peer Ambassador because I want to take my experiences with different colleges and programs and use that knowledge to help other students who may be struggling to decide where and what they want to do. I want to be a support system for other students to come to when they need to ask questions.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
My biggest advice is to get involved around campus or around the community. It is easy (especially as an education major ) to get sucked into the classes and school and lose the experiences Boone offers. These experiences help contribute to growing as a person and also growing in your future teaching ability.
Meet Francisco Martinez, Middle Grades Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My first-grade teacher, Mr. Folden, was a fantastic teacher to me growing up. He is the type of teacher I want to be, as he is incredible and inspirational.
Why App State?
I chose Appalachian State University for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons was because of the achievements and recognition that Appalachian State has in its education program. I believed that if I wanted to become the best possible educator, I needed to go to the best possible school to achieve that goal.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to help others in their journey to becoming a teacher and encourage prospective students to come to Appalachian State to become amazing future educators.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
I would advise students to attend events held in the Reich College of Education as it's a great way to get involved and learn some tips and advice that you can use in your future classroom.
Meet Bryson May, Secondary History, Social Studies Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I want to become a teacher because I am, first and foremost, passionate about teaching. I have always understood the vital role that educators play in the lives of students. I am inspired by this and greatly desire to be a part of this critical role, helping to impact students in significant ways, along with my students affecting me. I also come from a long line of educators who have inspired me to pursue a career in education and work to help encourage, empower, and impact students throughout my classroom.
Why App State?
Appalachian State has always been like a second home to me. Both my mom and my dad attended App State, which allowed me the opportunity to frequently visit App and fall in love with the Mountaineer culture as a kid. I also knew that App State held one of the best Colleges of Education in the state, and knew that App State would help me pursue my passion of becoming a great educator!
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an Education Peer Ambassador due to my love and devotion to the College of Education and my desire to help support all other future educators here at Appalachian State. I wanted to help to promote the James Center and the College of Education, and be a voice to inspire future teachers to join us here at App State!
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Get involved! College is an awesome place where grow and find out about who you are as a person and an individual! It is so vital to get plugged into a community here at App that can help you grow and can help you make vital connections that will last a lifetime!
Meet Ally McEntire, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I wanted to become a teacher because of my high school history teacher.
Why App State?
I knew we had a really strong education program, and I loved the mountains.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to get more involved in the Reich College of Education and help other future teachers.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Don't feel intimidated if you are still developing your leadership skills in the classroom. And never be afraid to ask questions!
Meet Joe Meyerson, Middle Grades Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My Parents.
Why Appalachian?
Because its location is in the mountains and is a top-rated school.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
To help other students become teachers or understand if they want to teach.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
It may look scary or stressful but it is so much fun.
Meet Louise Mills, Secondary History, Social Studies Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My middle school math teacher, Ken Stanely, inspired me to be a teacher.
Why App State?
I chose Appalachian because I felt at home as soon as I stepped on campus.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
As a secondary education major, I felt a little disconnected from the College of Ed, so I became an EPA so that I could help connect other secondary majors to the College of Ed.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Challenge by Choice.
Meet Laura O’Sullivan, Biology, Secondary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I have always been fascinated with biology and passionate about helping others and it took me some time but when I realized teaching could match both of those the idea of being a teacher just made me happier and happier.
Why App State?
When I first saw Boone it was so gorgeous and I felt so at peace that in combination with how good the biology department is (wasn't yet considering teaching) made App feel like the best choice.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I want the chance to share and represent the happiness I was able to discover by considering teaching.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Everything is one step at a time and you often have more resources and support than you realize - don't be afraid to look and ask for help when you feel overwhelmed or confused.
Meet Patricia Polinski, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I always wanted to be a teacher since I was a little kid where I would play school with my dolls and stuffed animals. When I got older, I volunteered with Girl Scouts, which led to working at Summer Camp. The campers at that summer camp solidified my passion for teaching and made me truly want to be a teacher.
Why App State?
I selected Appalachian as it is very different from my hometown on the coast of North Carolina, and I fell in love with the school during my time at Summer Ventures at App State online.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an Education Peer Ambassador to help and support my fellow future teachers.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Let your passion for teaching/education/subject area lead the way. Teachers in education and subject areas share your passions and that will help you get through anything.
Meet Jordan SabbaghRabaiotti, Special Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
My mom is the reason I want to become a teacher. She is a special Ed teacher and I grew up seeing the care she put into her students, and I knew from a young age I wanted to be just like her.
Why App State?
Appalachian State has an amazing educational program that I wanted to be a part of so I was honored to be accepted.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
Everyone in the James Center is so welcoming and supportive when I’ve had questions or need help with something and I want to be that for someone else.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
Get involved in clubs, you will meet so many great people!
Meet Jackie Siverly, Music Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I want to become a teacher because I believe it to be one of the most necessary and needed careers in our society. Education has the power to significantly improve people's lives and as a teacher, I would be playing a direct role in that positive change.
Why App State?
I chose Appalachian because of the intelligent and caring faculty and staff. After attending the open house and the Student for a Day program, I knew that the faculty were truly dedicated to my education and that App State was definitely a place that I wanted to be.
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an Education Peer Ambassador because I knew that my experience as a music education major would provide a unique perspective to potential students.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
My advice for incoming students is to not be afraid to reach out and ask for help or advice from the faculty here. Everyone is very willing to help and motivate you, all you have to do is ask.
Meet Morgan Smith, Elementary Education
What or who made you want to become a teacher?
I wanted to become a teacher to give students the support I had as a child to help them become the best they could be.
Why Appalachian?
Appalachian made me feel like I was home and that I belonged. Also, I loved the views and how convenient the campus was to live in. The education program definitely swayed me as well!
Why did you want to become an Education Peer Ambassador?
I wanted to become an EPA because I wanted to become involved with the Reich College of Education as much as I could. I also wanted to be a resource for students with questions because having people to answer my questions was so crucial during my freshmen year.
What tips or advice do you have for incoming freshmen and/or transfer students about majoring in education?
My biggest advice would be to let go and enjoy the journey life brings you. Also, get involved and ask questions!! It is what we're here for!
