In summer 2020, the Reich College of Education (RCOE) created a planning task force to assist with developing strategies and ideas to address the areas of facility needs, curriculum and instructional needs, socio-emotional needs, and needs of our community partners. Through online town hall meetings and surveys, faculty, staff, and students shared their needs and ideas. They also shared innovative changes they had implemented in their teaching, working, and learning.
In an effort to document these narratives and accomplishments, the RCOE has created a Lessons Learned Project. Faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community partners are invited to share their lessons learned and good practices that have emerged during the pandemic.
Feedback from the community has been and will continue to be vital to the task force and Lessons Learned Project.
If you have succeeded in cultivating a unique response to COVID-19 and its effect on education, counseling, and/or leadership, please reach out to the Lessons Learned Team so that your story can be shared with the RCOE community. Email Alex Peoples at
Contributed by Alex Peoples