Rose Matuszny Honored by the North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children

Dr. Rose Matuszny, an associate professor in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education, was recognized at the North Carolina Council for Exceptional Children (NC CEC) 30th Conference for her service and contributions to the professional advocacy organization of educators dedicated to advancing the success of children with exceptionalities, the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC).

The CEC is the largest international non-profit professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities, and students who are gifted. NC CEC provides state and local support in the way of an annual conference, regional training, and an electronic newsletter.

NC CEC President, Dr. Alicia Brophy-Dick said, “We sincerely appreciate the support of Dr. Matuszny and Appalachian State University during her tenure in the NC CEC leadership. Her efforts continue to make a significant contribution to our organization that helps us to better serve educators and students with exceptionalities in our state, and we are truly thankful for her service.”

Matuszny has been a CEC member for 35 years; and, since 2005, she has also been very active on the NC CEC board. She has held numerous CEC leadership positions, including President, National Child Advocacy Network Coordinator and Diversity Advisory Board Member.

Matuszny was hired at Appalachian State University in 2003 after completing a doctorate in the American Indian Doctoral Fellowship program at Pennsylvania State University. She has a passion for collaboration and advocacy as well as helping future teachers recognize the value of inclusiveness.

Rose Matuszny
Published: May 15, 2017 3:13pm
