Reich College of Education (RCOE) students and faculty members gave presentations at the 2023 North Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE) annual meeting and conference, which was held in Greensboro, North Carolina, on February 16-17. Appalachian State University has eight memberships in NCARE, which is the second largest group behind the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Dr. Tempestt Adams, an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, helped lead the conference as the immediate past president. She has served on the NCARE board for several years, leading two conferences including one virtual conference in 2021.
"Just before the conference I was asked I stepped in to help lead the day of activities for the conference by Dr. Monica Allen,” said Adams. “Doing so at the last minute was an easy task because of how well prepared the conference chair and conference team were; they worked extremely hard to organize everything behind the scenes which made my small role very easy to do.”
“I'm grateful for the leadership of the conference team and though I am exiting my term as a board member, I am confident the organization is in good hands moving forward," she added.
About the Conference Presentations
Several RCOE students - including two doctoral students who will defend this semester - and faculty attended the conference and presented their work. View the full program:
Exploring Arts-Based Research Methods: A Hands On Approach
Presented by Dr. Tempestt Adams, assistant professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Jewel Davis, associate professor and education librarian, University Library; Dr. Jennifer Luetkemeyer, associate professor, Department of Leadership and Educational Studies; and Dr. Theresa Redmond, professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction.
Poster Session
Leadership Development for Women in Military Schools: A Mixed Methods Study of Authentic Leadership
Presented by Caroline McKaughan, doctoral student.
Paper Session
Lifting an Even Heavier Load: Systemic Spheres of Influence on Teacher Burnout During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Presented by Dr. Jennifer McGee, associate professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction; and Dr. Gwynne Shoaf ’18 ’22.
Short Paper Session
Exploring Teacher Retention, Working Conditions, and Principal Characteristics in Rural North Carolina School Districts in Appalachia
Presented by Dr. Jennifer McGee, associate professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction.From Deficit-Centered to Affirmative Difference: Reimagining (Special) Education
Presented by Dr. Gwynne Shoaf ’18 ’22.Challenging the Status Quo of Advanced Courses Enrollment Practices in High School
Presented by Jon Fleisher.
Caroline McKaughan presents at NCARE. Photo submitted.
“The NCARE Conference was great exposure to a multitude of research approaches,” said doctoral student Caroline McKaughan. “Presenting a poster helped me to fine-tune my dissertation research through sharing with a wide range of educational professionals and graduate students.”
“NCARE is such a valuable learning opportunity along with multiple networking opportunities, so I highly recommend all graduate students attend and present at this conference,” she added.
Jon Fleisher presents at NCARE. Photo submitted.
For doctoral student Jon Fleisher, this was his first time presenting his research at NCARE, and he plans to return in 2024.
“I definitely felt a sense of community among the educational researchers at NCARE,” he noted. “The professionalism and knowledge base of the presenters I was able to see was phenomenal. Everyone I encountered was very supportive and I made some valuable connections.”
“I enjoyed my experience and appreciated that one of the goals of NCARE is to give new researchers space to present and grow alongside seasoned researchers and educational leaders,” he continued. “It was the perfect opportunity for a doctoral candidate.”
About the North Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE)
Established in 1974, the North Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE) works to improve the quality of education in North Carolina through research and evaluation.
NCARE members include teachers, principals, school system administrators, university faculty and staff, graduate students, staff of the Department of Public Instruction, members of local education agencies, and people working in private research organizations. NCARE activities are implemented through its elected officers and board of directors.