Students Demonstrate Assistive Technology at Low Tech Device Gallery

On Monday, April 24, 2017, undergraduate students enrolled in Dr. Cate Smith's SPE 3380: Assistive Technology in Special Education class demonstrated low-tech assistive technology devices at a Low Tech Device Gallery. Smith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Reading Education and Special Education at Appalachian State University's Reich College of Education (RCOE).

The students, all education majors and minors, were tasked with creating a device that would assist a user with a disability in the performance of a functional skill. Students could choose from academic, play, functional/self-help skills, or recreation and leisure skills.

This course prepares pre-service teachers and those in related fields to identify potential assistive technologies (AT) to help students of all ages and disability categories to be more independent and successful in school and life endeavors. By creating a low-tech device of their own, SPE 3380 students take part in the AT process and develop confidence and knowledge regarding the creation and implementation of an AT device.

Low Tech Device Gallery Photos

Echo CallerEcho Caller: designed to help students hear what they are reading or saying.

BlanketA weighted blanket provides comfort.

Page separatorsPage separators make reading easier.

Fidget chairThe ultimate fidget chair.

Safe Place bedThis bed provides a "safe place" for students with disabilities.

Fidget beadsFidget beads keep students focused.

iWash Assistive Technology
Published: May 1, 2017 4:56pm
