Three Doctoral Candidates Graduate in December 2020; One in August 2020

Congratulations to the three doctoral candidates in the Reich College of Education’s (RCOE) Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership who graduate at the end of the Fall 2020 semester: 

  • Brandon Nelson
  • Tonia Olson
  • Nicole Welz

 Congratulations as well to Dr. Chris Gilbert, who graduated at the end of August this year. 

Brandon Nelson

Brandon Nelson

Dissertation Title: Survey Research on Student Affairs Professionals Who Completed a National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Interim Executive Placement in the Last Three Years

Dissertation committee: Dr. Tracy Goodson-Espy (chair), Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Nickolas Jordan, Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling; Dr. Aaron Voyles, University of Texas at Austin; Dr. William Sheppard, University Housing

“My doctoral experience was wonderful. The faculty were committed to an educational experience centered on providing a diversity of materials, courses, and opportunities to learn and grow. The faculty encouraged, supported, and challenged us to know and do better. I am forever thankful for their time and dedication to our cohort.”

Conference Presentations: Presented at annual conferences for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) on the following topics: bias in recruitment and selection practices, interim placements, and men and masculinities.

Tonia Olson

Dissertation Title: Survey Of Teacher Opinions On The Use Of Learning Analytics To Improve Student Learning

Dissertation committee: Dr. Les Bolt (chair), Department of Leadership and Educational Studies; Dr. Mina Min, Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Trent Spaulding, Department of Nutrition and Health Care Management 

Nicole Welz

Nicole Welz

Dissertation Title: (De)constructing Identity in the Liminal Space: Student Teacher Narratives using Photovoice

Dissertation committee: Dr. Elizabeth Bellows (chair), Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Jennifer McGee, Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Beth Buchholz, Department of Reading Education and Special Education

“My time in the doctoral program at Appalachian State University changed me in the most beautiful way. I have never met a more dedicated group of people - Dr. Bellows, Dr. McGee, Dr. Buchholz, and Dr. Miller - committed to my success and supported me through the most difficult time of my life.”

Chris Gilbert 

Chris Gilbert

Dissertation Title: Participatory Action Research with Teacher Activists: Walking the Spiral and “Making the Invisible Visible”

Dissertation committee: Dr. Beth Buchholz (chair), Department of Reading Education and Special Education; Dr. Audrey Dentith, North Carolina A&T State University; and Dr. Greg McClure, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

“I will forever be thankful for my time in the doctoral program. I grew tremendously as a writer, thinker, and scholar, and I established relationships with many wonderful people.”


Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Graduates
Published: Dec 7, 2020 10:39am
