The seventh annual Women in Educational Leadership Symposium (WIELS) will be held online, October 6-8, 2022. The conference theme is Advancing the Leader Within: Building Capacity.
The purpose of WIELS is to bring women together to share, learn, and grow in leadership. Women who are interested in learning from others and those who are willing to share skills and expertise are invited to participate. WIELS is committed to promoting and empowering the advancement of women, gender non-binary, feminine-identified, and gender-fluid leaders, and providing ongoing support through coaching, mentoring, and networking.
Call for Proposals
Attendees are encouraged to submit proposals on salient issues, skills, and experiences affecting women leaders. All proposals should be submitted by June 30, 2022, to the WIELS 2022 Proposal Submission Form. Acceptance letters will be sent by email on or before August 15, 2022.
For more information, review the symposium submission instructions. Questions? Contact Dr. Precious Guramatunhu-Mudiwa, WIELS Executive Director, or Dr. Susan Colby, WIELS Associate Executive Director.
WIELS Session Categories
Paper session.
The purpose of the paper session is (1) to report research results, (2) to analyze policy and practice issues, or (3) to advance philosophical, conceptual, or theoretical thought about women in leadership. The proposal summary should include a statement of purpose, theoretical framework, findings, and conclusions. Research reports must include data sources and methods. The reference section is required. Sessions will include two 20-minute presentations followed by a 10-minute discussion period per paper. Sessions will include two papers of similar content.
Critical conversation.
The purpose of the critical conversation session is to provide time and space to discuss specific “hot button” or “stark truth” issues for women in leadership through the use of provocative questions, stories from the field, or other engaging formats. The proposal summary should include a plan for presenting the issue, questions/discussion prompts, and strategies for engaging participants in a critical conversation. Each session will include two 30-minute presentations paired with similar content.
Panel Discussion.
The purpose of the panel session is to focus on a specific topic of interest to a defined audience. Panelists may represent higher education, community college, Pk-12 schools, educational consultants, and/or other sectors. These 60-minute sessions will follow one of the following formats: (1) short, individual panel member presentations, followed by audience discussion, questions and answers, or (2) a focused question and answer format led by an individual moderator facilitating prepared and audience generated questions addressed to a panel of experts. The proposal summary should include a plan for an hour-long panel discussion.