Congratulations to the three doctoral candidates in the Reich College of Education’s (RCOE) Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership who graduate at the end of the Fall 2020 semester:
- Brandon Nelson
- Tonia Olson
- Nicole Welz
Congratulations as well to Dr. Chris Gilbert, who graduated at the end of August this year.
Brandon Nelson
Dissertation Title: Survey Research on Student Affairs Professionals Who Completed a National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Interim Executive Placement in the Last Three Years
Dissertation committee: Dr. Tracy Goodson-Espy (chair), Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Nickolas Jordan, Department of Human Development and Psychological Counseling; Dr. Aaron Voyles, University of Texas at Austin; Dr. William Sheppard, University Housing
“My doctoral experience was wonderful. The faculty were committed to an educational experience centered on providing a diversity of materials, courses, and opportunities to learn and grow. The faculty encouraged, supported, and challenged us to know and do better. I am forever thankful for their time and dedication to our cohort.”
Conference Presentations: Presented at annual conferences for the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I) on the following topics: bias in recruitment and selection practices, interim placements, and men and masculinities.
Tonia Olson
Dissertation Title: Survey Of Teacher Opinions On The Use Of Learning Analytics To Improve Student Learning
Dissertation committee: Dr. Les Bolt (chair), Department of Leadership and Educational Studies; Dr. Mina Min, Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Trent Spaulding, Department of Nutrition and Health Care Management
Nicole Welz
Dissertation Title: (De)constructing Identity in the Liminal Space: Student Teacher Narratives using Photovoice
Dissertation committee: Dr. Elizabeth Bellows (chair), Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Jennifer McGee, Department of Curriculum and Instruction; Dr. Beth Buchholz, Department of Reading Education and Special Education
“My time in the doctoral program at Appalachian State University changed me in the most beautiful way. I have never met a more dedicated group of people - Dr. Bellows, Dr. McGee, Dr. Buchholz, and Dr. Miller - committed to my success and supported me through the most difficult time of my life.”
Chris Gilbert
Dissertation Title: Participatory Action Research with Teacher Activists: Walking the Spiral and “Making the Invisible Visible”
Dissertation committee: Dr. Beth Buchholz (chair), Department of Reading Education and Special Education; Dr. Audrey Dentith, North Carolina A&T State University; and Dr. Greg McClure, Department of Curriculum and Instruction
“I will forever be thankful for my time in the doctoral program. I grew tremendously as a writer, thinker, and scholar, and I established relationships with many wonderful people.”
- Gilbert, C. (2020). Traversing rough terrain: Methodological challenges of participatory action research with teacher activists. Educational Action Research.
- (Forthcoming), Gilbert, C. (2019). Punching the clock: A Foucauldian analysis of teacher time clock use. Critical Studies in Education.
- Gilbert, C. (2019). Creating educational destruction: A critical exploration of central neoliberal concepts and their transformative effects on public education. The Educational Forum, 83(1), 60-74.
- Gilbert, W. C. (2019). Learning from the quiet revolution - A book review of After the education wars: How smart schools upend the business of reform. Democracy and Education, 27(1).
- Gilbert, C. (2019, April 21). Teachers speak out: Why we're taking a Day of Action. The Citizen-Times. Retrieved from
- Gilbert, C. (2019, January 7). School choice is like choosing where to eat? Hardly! Kappa Delta Pi Blog. Retrieved from
- Gilbert, C. (2018, March 4). Teachers are now being asked to punch time clocks. What does that mean for their profession? The Washington Post. Retrieved from
- Gilbert, C. (2018). A high school teacher’s story: Experiences with curriculum ideologies and neoliberal school reform. Currere Exchange Journal, 2(2), 44-51. Retrieved from