Rebekah Saylors, co-Chair and Director of Communications
Robin Groce, co-Chair and Deparment of Child Development, Literacy Education, and Special Education
Amanda Gregory, Non-Tenure Track Representative
Alecia Jackson, Department of Leadership and Educational Studies
Rachel Nave-Lewis, College Access Partnerships
Robin Moeller, Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development
Patrick O'Shea, Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development
Claudia Palta, Staff Representative
Candice Peters, Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education
Dan Poling, Department of Child Development, Literacy Education, and Special Education
Christina Rosen, Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education
Pam Shue, Department of Child Development, Literacy Education, and Special Education
Cacey Wells, Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
Rachel Wilson, Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum