Graduating Student Shoutout: Jacob Worley

Jacob Worley

Bachelor of Science, Health & Physical Education

Tell us about your collegiate activities, your clubs and organizations, or your favorite memories.

My favorite memories I have from App State include meeting all my cohort friends, commuting with my best friends from home, and of course football games!

Share the names of your favorite professors or other mentors you'd like to thank (and why).

Two professors I would love to shout out are Dr. Mohr and Dr. Towner. These two professors knew their material, made class amazing, and built a bond with me I will never forget. My Advisor Callie Hutchens was the absolute best! She was always there for me from day one at App State. I say thank you from the bottom of my heart to you all!

In a nutshell, what has App State meant to you?

A quality education, in a beautiful place, with amazing people!

Jacob Worley
Published: Dec 6, 2021 4:30pm
