Diane Wilcox, the early field experience program coordinator in the Reich College of Education’s Office of Field Experiences, is retiring - again - after 10 years at App State. She taught kindergarten, second, and third grades, as well as Title I Reading, at Valle Crucis School for Watauga County Schools for 27 years.
Like many others, Wilcox has observed the growth and change of App State during her time here. “There has been an increase in the number of students going into education - hooray! We, meaning App State, have the BEST teacher candidates in the state of North Carolina.”
She also recounted during her time here how everyone “rose to the occasion and made the necessary adjustments in moving to an online format for field experience, which wasn't easy,” during the pandemic.
Her advice to future staff: “Don't blink…it will be over before you know it.”
“Get to know your students on a meaningful, personal level. They are more than a name on a page/roster."
She also added, “Get to know your students on a meaningful, personal level. They are more than a name on a page/roster. They will be shaping our world and teaching our children/grandchildren one day.”
In retirement, Wilcox is planning on spending more time with her five granddaughters and watching them grow.
She also wants to have a change of scenery and spend more time at the beach “with her toes in the sand, soaking up the sunshine.”
Wilcox noted that she has worked since she was 16 years old so retirement will be an adjustment for her, but it is something that she is sure she can grow accustomed to!
While she is excited to be retiring, Wilcox will miss “the wonderful, caring people” that she works with in the RCOE.
“The relationships and friendships I have made here are so special,” she said. “The bond among educators at all levels (students, current classroom teachers, retired teachers, administration, and faculty) is so strong. A common love of education and preparing future teachers/leaders is like no other.”
“I will always consider the people here in the RCOE as family,” she added.