Academic Departments
The Reich College of Education is organized into five departments, with each department housing several undergraduate and graduate programs. Several programs offer Accelerated Master's opportunities where students can earn both their undergraduate and graduate degrees by beginning graduate work during their senior year.
Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education
The Department of Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education offers innovative programs focusing on all facets of child development, literacy, writing, language arts and specific areas of special education..
Undergraduate Programs: Child Development (licensure and non-licensure), Special Education (adapted or general curriculum K-12)
Accelerated Master's: Literacy Education, Special Education
Graduate Programs: Literacy Education, Special Education
Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education
The Department of Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education offers programs that prepare students for human services positions in K-12 schools, colleges/universities, and mental health agencies.
Graduate Programs: Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Higher Education, Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional School Counseling, Student Affairs Administration
Leadership and Educational Studies
The Department of Leadership and Educational Studies prepares students to assume educational leadership roles in community colleges, universities, public schools, and related educational settings through active scholarship, reflection, professional discourse and interdisciplinary programs of study based on the integration of theory and practice.
Graduate Programs: Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)
Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
The Department of Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum is dedicated to developing and implementing transformational educational experiences that help students critically question and deconstruct the complex intersections of environmental, cultural, historical, and political factors that influence and affect teaching and learning.
Undergraduate Programs: Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education
Graduate Programs: Curriculum Specialist, Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education
Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development
The Department of Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development prepares students for employment in a wide variety of teaching, administrative and service roles, as well as employment or career advancement in business and industry.
Undergraduate Programs: Career and Technical Education, Workforce Leadership Development
Graduate Programs: Media Technology and Learning Design, Library Science (MLS), School Administration (MSA)
Departmental Contacts
Child Development, Literacy, and Special Education
Dr. Beth Frye
Interim Chair
Office: 305 G College of Education
Phone: 828-262-6056
Fax: 828-262-6767
Counseling, Family Therapy, and Higher Education
Dr. Amy Milsom
Office: 304 C College of Education
Phone: 828-262-3133
Fax: 828-262-8372
Leadership and Educational Studies
Dr. Amy Washburn
Interim Chair
Office: 516 D College of Education
Phone: 828-262-8374
Fax: 828-262-2128
Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum
Dr. Lisa Poling
Office: 205 D College of Education
Phone: 828-262-2054
Fax: 828-262-2686
Media, Career Studies, and Leadership Development
Dr. Herb Brown
Office: 204 C College of Education
Phone: 828-262-3132
Fax: 828-262-8372