42 RCOE Staff Members Receive Staff “Shout Out” for the Month of July

42 members of the Reich College of Education (RCOE) staff have earned a Staff Senate Staff Shout Out for exemplary service in their work for the month of July. They are as follows:

The Staff Shout Out program, an informal recognition initiative created by Staff Senate’s Staff Recognition Committee, aims to highlight Appalachian staff members for their positive contributions to the university. The committee works to improve employee engagement and encourage an environment of support and appreciation.

Examples of actions for which Appalachian staff members have received Shout Outs:

  • Going above and beyond to help a fellow co-worker or student.
  • Picking up trash on campus grounds just because.
  • Encouraging recycling among officemates.
  • Having an infectious positive attitude.
  • Taking initiative.
  • Helping a co-worker complete a task voluntarily.
  • Random acts of kindness.

Recipients of a Shout Out are notified the month following their nomination and receive a piece of candy and a card detailing why they were nominated, which is handwritten and personally delivered by a member of Staff Senate. Each recipient is also entered into a quarterly drawing for a gift from the University Bookstore. If you would like to have a staff member recognized for their positive contribution to the university, give them a "Shout Out."

Staff Shout Out Award
Published: Aug 19, 2019 9:41am
