Strategic Positioning Platform

From the Dean

I have the joy of leading and being a part of the Reich College of Education (RCOE), and I am delighted to share our Strategic Positioning Platform. This plan presents relevant and intentional goals to forward the work of the college in a collaborative and dynamic manner. As we know, colleges of education face many challenges, and I believe we have identified goals and actions that provide opportunities and great possibilities for growth and learning.

The information contained herein helps guide decision-making processes as well as resource development and allocation. It helps us communicate around shared goals and ideas. As we move forward, it is also my hope that our plan will help us continue to build our identity and presence within the university as well as the broader community through intentional and informed conversations and actions. It guides our work but is a work in progress - never static with the constant need for review, progress, and relevance.

-- Dr. Melba Spooner, Dean, Reich College of Education

What is a Strategic Positioning Platform?

A Strategic Positioning Platform is different from a traditional Strategic Plan, in that it is designed to be dynamic and responsive to changing needs of the College and its stakeholders. The outline below reflects our Big Goal, Key Priorities, and Subgoals under each section, and will be assessed and updated at least annually.

The Big Goal

Serve Reich College of Education faculty, staff, students, and community partners utilizing an innovative culture and advocacy for public education and human development.

Key Priority One

Provide student-centered, innovative, relevant, and flexible educational programs and experiences.

By August 2026:

  • Achieve 100% alignment of curriculum maps.
  • Implement competency-based offerings and micro-credentials in 25% of programs.
  • Increase student success initiatives by 25%.
  • Launch 2 additional online programs.
  • Implement a paraprofessional-to-teacher program with 20 initial participants.

Key Priority Two

Create a united, intentionally interconnected, and proactive RCOE culture.

By July 2026:

  • Increase cross-collaboration between departments by 30%.
  • Implement a comprehensive organizational climate/culture assessment with 80% participation rate.
  • Achieve 90% alignment of policies and procedures.
  • Establish partnerships with two (2) App State units for joint community-based projects.

Key Priority Three

Expand access for students, and improve retention and completion rates in RCOE.

By August 2026:

  • Increase enrollment in accelerated Master's programs by 30%.
  • Establish partnerships with 5 community colleges to support student pipelines.
  • Implement an online paraprofessional to Teacher program with X  initial enrollments.
  • Establish three (3) PSU and two (2) Community College partnerships for teacher apprenticeships/residencies.

Key Priority Four

Advocate through expanded leadership, voice, and outreach in the fields of public education and human development, regionally, nationally, and globally.

By December 2026:

  • Increase faculty/staff participation in state, regional, and national events and professional engagements by 40%.
  • Establish 10 new partnerships with organizations.
  • Increase RCOE representation in professional leadership roles by 25%.
  • Increase media mentions of RCOE programs, initiatives, and research by 20%.