Professional Education Council

The Professional Education Council (PEC) provides a forum for regular and systematic communication among faculty, students, P-12 partners, and administrative representatives of all teacher education and other school professional education programs (educational leadership, school counseling) in the University. This helps maximize our collective understanding of issues related to professional education and effectiveness in preparing education professionals. The Council has as one of its main functions the role of reviewing, analyzing and evaluating professional education curricula and recommending policies and procedures for strengthening the professional education program.  This body also provides oversight for the University-wide mission to prepare excellent education professionals, including matters related to major program initiatives, assessment tasks and duties, and accreditation responsibilities. All recommendations are made to the Dean of the Reich College of Education. Ex officio non-voting members may be designated by the Dean of the Reich College of Education.

Responsibilities:  Members have the responsibility to communicate with their Department Chairs and colleague faculty members information about teacher and other professional education standards, curricular changes, policies and practices to advise the Dean of the Reich College of Education on issues and policies concerning professional education programs; to engage in the process of continuous improvement by reviewing goals, processes, and data related to candidate and unit assessment systems; and to review and make recommendations on education curricula across all programs preparing education professionals.


Professional Education Council Membership

RCOE Procedures for Submission of AP&P Proposals

RCOE and University Council Meeting Dates

Professional Education Council Bylaws

Please contact Kathy Rathbone for more information.