English Education

Dr. Jeff Cox

Dr. Jeff Cox, Wilkes Community College president, named new leader of North Carolina Community College System May 2, 2023

Congratulations to English secondary education and school administration alum, Dr. Cox '92 '98!

In the Media, Alumni Update, English Education, School Administration

Statesville High teacher named finalist for 2023 NCCAT Beginning Teacher of the Year Award Jan 31, 2023

Izabella Botello, an English teacher at Statesville High School, has been selected as one of 27 finalists for the 2023 North Carolina Center for... In the Media, Alumni Update, English Education

Former English teacher Kerri Huffman finds ‘simple joy’ in writing her first novel Jan 25, 2023

During her 36-year career as an English teacher at North Stanly High School, Kerri Huffman enjoyed the chance to unleash her creative side... In the Media, Alumni Update, English Education

Jodi Hearn

Alumni Update: Jodi Hearn ’95 Feb 4, 2021

Jodi Hearn (née Talley), originally from Bear Creek, North Carolina, graduated in 1995 with a B.S. in English, secondary education.

Features, Alumni Update, English Education
Kelsey Agar ‘14

Alumni Update: Kelsey Agar ‘14, Training Teachers in Tanzania Mar 9, 2018

Kelsey Agar originally from Lexington, North Carolina, graduated from Appalachian State University’s Reich College of Education with a bache

Alumni Update, Features, English Education