Residency Licensure Information
A Residency License (RL) allows individuals to work as licensed teachers in North Carolina while they complete licensure coursework. Appalachian State University has developed graduate certificate programs to meet the Residency Licensure requirements. To qualify for a Residency License and admission into the Residency Graduate Certificate programs, candidates must:
- Have an earned bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university
- Be enrolled in an approved Educator Preparation Program (EPP) and be admitted into one of the approved Graduate Certificates listed below
- Have earned a grade point average of at least 2.7 on a four-point scale for formal admission into a Residency Graduate Certificate program at Appalachian State University.
- Be employed as a full-time teacher in an LEA
- Satisfy content background requirements, either through 24 relevant credit hours or SBE-approved licensure exams (edTPA is NOT required to receive an RL, but will be completed during the Student Teaching semester).
- Credit hours considered relevant must be in the subject areas listed and approved by the respective program director.
- Relevant coursework and testing requirements for an RL in Elementary Education or Exceptional Children - General Curriculum are published in this document.
RLs are valid for one year and twice renewable (for a total of three years) so long as candidates continue to meet the above requirements. After successfully completing an approved Residency Graduate Certificate and passing all SBE-approved licensure exams, RL holders will apply to clear their license at
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Residency License Verification Form is used to document licensure eligibility.
For more information regarding Residency Licensure, email
Residency License Verification Form Submissions
Residency Licensure Areas at App State
Appalachian State University offers online Residency Licensure Graduate Certificates designed to assist residency candidates in meeting residency licensure requirements.
Residency Licensure programs include:
- Birth through Kindergarten
Career and Technical Education
Business, Finance, and Information Technology Education
Business, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Education
Family and Consumer Sciences Education
Technology, Engineering and Design Education
Trade and Industrial Education
- Elementary Education (K-6)
- Health and Physical Education
Middle and Secondary Education (6-12)
Middle Grades: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies
Secondary English
Secondary Mathematics
Secondary Science
- Special Education, General (K-12)