About the Scholarship
Meet James Patterson
James Patterson is the world’s bestselling author and most trusted storyteller. He has created many enduring fictional characters and series, including Alex Cross, the Women’s Murder Club, Michael Bennett, Maximum Ride, Middle School, and I Funny. Among his notable literary collaborations are The President Is Missing, with President Bill Clinton, and the Max Einstein series, produced in partnership with the Albert Einstein Estate. Patterson’s writing career is characterized by a single mission: to prove that there is no such thing as a person who “doesn’t like to read,” only people who haven’t found the right book. He’s given over three million books to schoolkids and the military, donated more than seventy million dollars to support education, and endowed over five thousand college scholarships for teachers. The National Book Foundation recently presented Patterson with the Literarian Award for Outstanding Service to the American Literary Community, and he is also the recipient of an Edgar Award and six Emmy Awards. He lives in Florida with his family. Patterson first funded scholarships in the university's Reich College of Education in June 2012. The Patterson Family Foundation funds James Patterson Teacher Education Scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students who are studying education and are committed to teaching careers. The scholarship covers tuition and related expenses. Recipients are selected based on their potential to become leaders in education. For the Patterson Scholars, it has turned a dream of going to college into a reality. We are honored to have the Patterson Scholars as a part of our Appalachian Community of Education Scholars (ACES). Patterson Scholars were featured in the Appalachian Magazine in 2013! Learn more
Current Scholars